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For PTC newbies, avoiding most obvious traps and zero payouts, read here.
How to check if PTC site is a scam site, read here

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

blog spam tool discovered?

How You Can Quickly And Easily Drive *Tons* Of Ultra-Responsive Targeted Traffic To Your WebSite - Even If You Are An Online Marketing Newbie!

It must be something like this what these marketing idiots are using spamming their shit to blogs, guestbooks etc. etc.

Of course this is legal? :(

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, read this.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The top five mistakes entrepreneurs make when they market

by Seth Godin

1. Expecting gratitude in exchange for having done something that was hard. Yes, you built a company, you might even have bootstrapped it. Yes, you've got the machinery and the packaging and the retail space. Yes, you've navigated hiring people and yes, you finally shipped. I couldn't care less. I'm not going to buy your brownie/consulting/services just because you worked hard on it.

2. Spending money as a substitute for doing something great. Spending on marketing an average product isn't working anymore. You're far better off spending money on making your product better. A lot better.

3. Not realizing that it's your company, and your marketing better be as good as everything else. It doesn't matter if you don't like marketing or don't think you're good at it. Figure it out or go home. Sooner or later, you succeed because you were able to spread your ideas. So go to school and figure out how it works.

4. Listening to other people. If they're so smart, why aren't they running your company? Don't take a poll. Don't ask your mother-in-law, that's for sure. Cover your downsides, double your desire to take a risk and then just do it.

5. Failure to measure. All this is worthless if you don't test and measure relentlessly. Do what works. Kill what doesn't. Repeat.

1. True. Same goes with other 'business' too. For example, if you arrange concert, festival, don't except people to show up there because you did lot of hard work for arranging your event. They couldn't care less, only thing they care is the end result.

2. Google. Have you seen googles ads somewhere?

3. I have seen interesting ideas, products to start collecting dust, only because people don't know anything about how to market their excellent ideas and products for the people. So yes, marketing is the key thing in business.

4. This is what I usually do. I listen too much what other people think about my ideas or strategies. Lesson learned.

5. YEP. Stats. There are still many webmasters who don't know what's URL referrer. ;)


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

AOL (users) busted for spamming DIGG

AOL has now been publicly called out for spamming on Digg. It was discussed in a Digg topic yesterday. Despite Calacanis' efforts, the anti-AOL commenter still got +28 diggs. Let's force this to the main page so Digg can take action. They do the exact thing on Digg that gets people banned from Netscape. (Contains list of 25+ spam accounts).

Quite messy discussion on, it seems that some AOL users had been using for spamming their own stuff (?).

read more | digg story

Windows Live?

Microsoft... welcome to the year 2006.

Question... is Jakob Nielsen ringing any bell?

Secrets of the Pirate Bay

Heja Sverige! :D,71543-0.html?tw=rss.index

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Spam bots spamming for who?

This is my own forgotten guestbook. Full of spam.

Funny thing is... it's not linked from my website, so it's basically impossible to find this page/guestbook. Who is reading the spam? Other bots? :)

Spamming to guestbooks really doesn't make any sense.

Monday, August 14, 2006

50 Coolest Websites - Time magazine 2006

How do we select our finalists? We evaluate hundreds of candidates—some suggested by readers, colleagues and friends, others discovered during countless hours of surfing. Many of this year's choices are shining examples of Web 2.0: next-generation sites offering dynamic new ways to inform and entertain, sites with cutting-edge tools to create, consume, share or discuss all manners of media, from blog posts to video clips. Think we missed one? Send us your thoughts and we'll post a selection of your comments online. There's always next year.

Candidates here.

Quite a lot new sites for me. Either I'm totally out what's happening right now or it's because this is focusing quite a lot to sites popular in United States.

Why Snap is on the list? It sucks. should have been nominated.

How to Make a Successful Viral Video

Interesting article,

Sunday, August 13, 2006



I tried to register there, but I can't do it because I'm not AOL etc. client.

What is this? :D :D


PTC 101.

PTC (= paid to click) sites are companies that pay you for viewing websites. They get paid for showing the pages for their members. So these sites often pay almost 100% of that money to it's members.

Is PTC same as pyramid scheme?
Yes and no, but usually early birds makes best earnings. Key thing is to be active clicker and get lot of referrals for your PTC program.

Are there PTC -sites to be avoided?
Yes, check this blog for more info.

For getting most out of PTCs websites, I recommend to open AlertPay account. Use website like for earning referrals to your PTC programs

PTC black list - scams, frauds etc.