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For PTC newbies, avoiding most obvious traps and zero payouts, read here.
How to check if PTC site is a scam site, read here

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spending +300 EntreCard ecs for advertising campaign.

Ok. Another test.

I bought cheap advertisement space from something like +50 different blogs. Niches: Blogging recources, online marketing, making money online. Average price for ad slot was 2-8 ecs. Campaign should go on next 1-5 days.

I didn't really spent time studying how good investments individual blogs where, my strategy is to create 'shotgun spreaded' visibility for my own blog. Sinces Entrecard ecs are virtual currency, this time I didn't use real money, just my virtual capital on

I will report results during following days. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Testing banner campaign.

I invested 10 $ quite spontaneously, dunno why, maybe too much time on internet and I thought to recycle 6 $ I got from :) .

Anyway... I got 1000 impressions for 10 $ and there is still more than 900 left. So far this test had got me 2 new followers.

If you want to try, please use my referral link:

Banner ads are shown in several twitter focused sites, most of my ads has been shown in,,

Good luck! :)

fyi... 7 more to go and I got my first 100 followers @ twitter. I have fairly passive strategy, so I guess it is ok result so far...

PTC 101.

PTC (= paid to click) sites are companies that pay you for viewing websites. They get paid for showing the pages for their members. So these sites often pay almost 100% of that money to it's members.

Is PTC same as pyramid scheme?
Yes and no, but usually early birds makes best earnings. Key thing is to be active clicker and get lot of referrals for your PTC program.

Are there PTC -sites to be avoided?
Yes, check this blog for more info.

For getting most out of PTCs websites, I recommend to open AlertPay account. Use website like for earning referrals to your PTC programs

PTC black list - scams, frauds etc.