I found 2 years old blog post regarding mylot.com. Opening post gives really harsh critic regarding mylot.com website.This thread had created loads of comments and latest one are from November 2008.
My quick summary about mylot.com, after reading nearly all comments:
MyLot actually pays for active users, for most appx. 2-15 $ per month, depending how long you have been there and how active you are, maybe even more for really Pro-users.
MyLot is also good for networking (driving traffic to your blog etc.), if you don't want to spend time commenting blog posts etc. Warning: don't start to bitch about payments, it is guarranteed method to get your account closed.
While compared to clicking ads (zzz.... :D ) on PTC sites, MyLot is probably good entertaintment and if you are doing online biz and you don't want to invest too much money, MyLot can be good choice.
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