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For PTC newbies, avoiding most obvious traps and zero payouts, read here.
How to check if PTC site is a scam site, read here

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Thursday, November 06, 2008 added to the blacklist.

Notice: blacklist isn't same as Scam list. - Rude Forum Moderators and Support, No support (Forget about getting a reply from, Unprofessional and they don’t know the meaning of “freedom of speech”. They ban members for speaking their mind and even members who are associated with those members.

I have to admit that I have had little bit similar experiences about, some tiny problems with registering and login... I'm not sure if problems are also related to the fact that they are quite popular right now and servers are running hot, so maybe also support is bit hot, they are humans after all.
I'm reading: added to the blacklist.Tweet this!


  1. Hi Cosmos,

    I have responded to your comment in SEO tip

  2. Anonymous2:58 AM


    Do you think I should remove TakeTheGlobe from p2reviews. If a few users can let me know about good support from them, I will remove them. I've only had bad experiences with them.

  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    atsuma: During recent days and weeks, I have just heard good about TakeTheGlobe and I think it is one of few PTCs which actually pays good right now.

    Peter: I replied to you, thanks.

  4. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Actually the forum at TTG is very much supportive! I'm part of that support for the non english section... translating things. I think that among all PTCs, TTG sure has its weaknesses but also has its strengths. one of the strengths is definitely the info flow at the forum and the community...
    As of Admin and his nerves and censorship and banning threats - well...yes, I'd prefer TTG to be more "transparent" but as far as merchandise is delivered in reasonable bounds of time(and i'm talking big payments also here), you's kinda hard to come with accusations. I think they're trying to extract something out of this "dead" industry...
    still, some respect for half a year on-line with every payment request done :).
    time will show.

  5. TTG member: Thanks for the info. Yeah, time will show.


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PTC 101.

PTC (= paid to click) sites are companies that pay you for viewing websites. They get paid for showing the pages for their members. So these sites often pay almost 100% of that money to it's members.

Is PTC same as pyramid scheme?
Yes and no, but usually early birds makes best earnings. Key thing is to be active clicker and get lot of referrals for your PTC program.

Are there PTC -sites to be avoided?
Yes, check this blog for more info.

For getting most out of PTCs websites, I recommend to open AlertPay account. Use website like for earning referrals to your PTC programs

PTC black list - scams, frauds etc.