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For PTC newbies, avoiding most obvious traps and zero payouts, read here.
How to check if PTC site is a scam site, read here

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

MyLot - ripoff, hot stuff or what?

I found 2 years old blog post regarding Opening post gives really harsh critic regarding website.This thread had created loads of comments and latest one are from November 2008.

My quick summary about, after reading nearly all comments:

MyLot actually pays for active users, for most appx. 2-15 $ per month, depending how long you have been there and how active you are, maybe even more for really Pro-users.

MyLot is also good for networking (driving traffic to your blog etc.), if you don't want to spend time commenting blog posts etc. Warning: don't start to bitch about payments, it is guarranteed method to get your account closed.

While compared to clicking ads (zzz.... :D ) on PTC sites, MyLot is probably good entertaintment and if you are doing online biz and you don't want to invest too much money, MyLot can be good choice.

I hope this information was useful for you. Please stay tuned by networking with me, check links on left navigation bar and subscribe for RSS feed.

Start a Santa Letter Business for the Holidays.

To be honest, I don't know what a **** this really is :D :D, but check it out, if you are really into making some extra with Christmas.

"Starting a Santa letter business may be the answer you're looking for. So here at Start a Santa Letter Business for the Holidays we will talk you through what exactly is involved and how you can earn extra money for the holidays" ...

writer @ Twitter:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Scams superbuster -

Another site for checking scams.

Check specially this forum - Work at Home Scams. - it doesn't look good.

It doesn't look good, site is giving warning with php-code.

We can start the countdown, props for admin about keeping people up-to-date, but... :|

Monday, November 24, 2008

Donkey Mails

I signed there today, to minimum payout, loads of daily ads. Site has lot of different possibilities for making money online, playing online games etc..

I really warmly recommend this site, is has also possibility for create good referral network. No Minimum Payout - account suspended?

??? :D

Well, I probably didn't have there much earnings, but it is interesting how ptc -site can suspend account without any warnings. I don't have any clue why my account was suspended, because of my blog articles? WTF?

EDIT: ok., the problem is on the site, not my account.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Catchy headlines create loads of diggs, but we allways end up with same problem.

Do you check link before digging it? Or how you make your decision about digging something?

My strong guess is that most diggers make decision by the headline, if it is catchy, you will digg it.

My strong opinion, there is nowadays too many "top x sites regarding subject y" and other listings. Don't digg them, unless they are really offering something NEW.

Save your money and your time -- avoid online surveys. puts online surveys under magnifying glass.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Is a scam site?

February 2008, Strong NO.

No (april 2008?)

June 2008, yes, yes!!!

31.10.2008 Strong YES. Check specially this last link, because it summarises quite well whole history.

So... is still running and probably some members are getting their payment proofs, but my own advice is not to invest any new money on the site. Discuss + most recent news.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

419 Legal - Internet Fraud and Online Scam Forum and WaoIndia looks quite cool. I stumbled into it, while searching information about waoIndia.

WaoIndia is PTC site paying high ratio (0.10$) per click. The trick is that they have really high payout, it is $ 199.00. So you have to prepare to spend some time with the site, for getting your first payout.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Highest Pay Surveys and cash payments.

According to study, Highest Pay Surveys doesn't have cash payments, so it sounds like bogus.

Ok, I did some extra research and it actually seems this isn't even NEWS, there was similar post about same site from year 2005. Btw. has really juicy scambusters forum.

This post is related to previous post about, because Highest Pay Surveys is one of the websites they have on their PTC program. Should we start countdown for my account to be suspended there? ;)

Friday, November 07, 2008 needs new sign-ups!

I got email that site needs more referrals than what it currently can offer. Good news is that email shows there are human referrals existing, instead of bots. I think it is really straight-forward approach from admin to sent email and explain situation, so new signups, please join. :) pays 7 cents per click?

This is what I got with who-is query.

Registration Service Provided By: SKY DEVELOPMENT
Contact: +91.9331879331
Website: http://www.SkyDevelopment.Info

Domain Name:

Expiry Date: 02-Nov-2009
Days Left for Expiry: 360
Record Creation Date: 02-Nov-2008
Domain Status: Active

Domain servers in listed order:

Country NL, detailed info was including only P.O. Box and rest was protected with

So it stronly smells like scam, but maybe ok while fun is lasting.

If you dare, click my banner, but with your own risk. ;)

You can also propose exchange deal, check left navigation bar for my other PTC sites.

Thursday, November 06, 2008 added to the blacklist.

Notice: blacklist isn't same as Scam list. - Rude Forum Moderators and Support, No support (Forget about getting a reply from, Unprofessional and they don’t know the meaning of “freedom of speech”. They ban members for speaking their mind and even members who are associated with those members.

I have to admit that I have had little bit similar experiences about, some tiny problems with registering and login... I'm not sure if problems are also related to the fact that they are quite popular right now and servers are running hot, so maybe also support is bit hot, they are humans after all.

Max-PTC is a scam site.

According to forums, it seems that MAX-PTC is a scam site.

thecodeis writes:

"Yes the Max-PTC admin is a know SCAMMER. He goes by the name of RONNIE. Hes previous scams are BUX3.COM, BUX3.NET, WORLD-BUX.COM, EXTREME-ADS.NET AND latest MAX-PTC

He advertised to his scam site with 3 cents per click and 2 cents per ref click. He got around 10,000 member in weeks. Now he changed the rates to 2 cent per click and 1.5 per ref click. He has modified his Scamming TOS to 1.5 cent per click and 1 cent per click after getting 50,000 registered members .

His new way of scamming is to ask members to get monthly upgrade instead of Yearly. Max-PTCs design is a copy of He is scamming again again and again.." ?

Ok. I registered there two days ago and now my account was terminated. (?!) :D

I'm puzzled.

Has anyone had similar experiences?

PTC Hotties, trusted, zombies, suspects, scams.

So, check left navigation bar for ratings of PTC sites. Lists are updated daily, weekly. Hopefully it helps you to choose best PTC sites and best payouts. :)

I will add here later my own TOP 10 list, but right now best and hottest sites can be found from top of left navigation bar, marked as HOT.

Hottest sites right now:

Please comment lists, if you feel that certain PTC site is ranked falsely.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

For PTC newbies, avoiding most obvious traps and zero payouts.

You can find loads of PTC blogs etc., which are recommending well paying PTC sites for you. You should understand that these recommend lists aren't necessarily up-to-date, what was hot PTC site six months ago, could be currently on it's way to be virtual ghost PTC.

How to recognize potential scam?

Here are some things for check-list:

- just few ads to click and most of them are just linking to other PTC affiliates
- pay per click for free member is more than 0.01
- design looks cheap or it is direct bulk "bux" copy
- is website running on free host or own domain?
- if TOS is suspicious or it doesn't even exist
- suspicious earning logic, do your math
- use for googling domain owner
- bought referrals are bots

Check some of other websites for more tips: and, forum's guide - how to spot the bad new site and so on...

10 Ways to Make Press Releases More SEO Friendly

What can you do to set your press release apart from the pack and allow your target audience to find you? Implement the use of search engine optimization, or SEO.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008 - PCT site

Not bad, try to find review with google. Join here.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Add digg button to blogger.

You can use instructions give here, but search string "data:post.body" instead of one mentioned in linked article.

You can look example on my other blog.

PTC 101.

PTC (= paid to click) sites are companies that pay you for viewing websites. They get paid for showing the pages for their members. So these sites often pay almost 100% of that money to it's members.

Is PTC same as pyramid scheme?
Yes and no, but usually early birds makes best earnings. Key thing is to be active clicker and get lot of referrals for your PTC program.

Are there PTC -sites to be avoided?
Yes, check this blog for more info.

For getting most out of PTCs websites, I recommend to open AlertPay account. Use website like for earning referrals to your PTC programs

PTC black list - scams, frauds etc.